• About killiefc.com
    About killiefc.com

    Allan, Baz & Brief Website History & Acknowledgements!

Killie FC

About Us & Site Acknowledgements

The most famous URL in Ayrshire was owned and operated by Killie fanatics Allan Auld and Barry Richmond for many years before being gifted to the supporter's groups to help them consolidate and grow the fan base of Scotland's oldest professional football club. Allan is a Killie exile who now resides in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife Yvonne and two step-daughters whereas Baz, his wife Kitty and daughter Erin, hail from Hurlford which is just a stones throw away from Kilmarnock.

Allan created "The Killie Experience" website in February 1999 at Geocities before moving the whole thing to its own killiefc.com domain in November of the same year. The following August (2000) after the Association's KTS (Kissin' the Squirrels) magazine was cut, Allan invited Baz to become a co-publisher of the site, and that's when it all started getting out of control!

The site 'moved' to the Rivals.net network as their Killie representatives in January 2001, and stayed there and built up a fair sized community until Rivals.net decided in their infinite wisdom to pull the plug on their Scottish sites around May 2002. There was no question that killiefc.com just had to continue, so after one false start, it moved once again to an independent host and a dedicated server that would be able to cope with the traffic and resultant bandwidth problems caused by the site's popularity.

Surprisingly after leaving the country-wide network the viewing figures actually increased and killiefc.com was recording circa 45-50,000 'hits' monthly during the playing season, despite losing the traffic of rival fans. The now famous/infamous (delete as appropriate) "Killie Kickback" forums are as popular as ever despite the advent of social media such as Facebook and Twitter...although we did bow to convention and you can find us there as well.

Friday August 21st 2015 was the dawn of a new era and the 'new' killiefc.com was launched as a portal for all the Killie fans organisations (Trust/KFCSA/YK). Ian, Steven and Claire at local company PlanB put everything together and there was a 'soft launch', or phase one if you will, just after the start of the football season. There is still loads of backfilling to do... the hard work is just beginning but it is, for all Killie fans involved, a labour of love. Again, www.killiefc.com is an ad-free non-profit website (for the fans!).

Player of the Year Awards

In the early years we took votes at the end of the season up until 2005-06 when we moved everything over to the forums and instituted a points system based on "Man of the Match" polls after every game. This gave a truer reflection of the season as a whole and the most worthy winner of the award. There have been many trophies, and awards handed out to young players, here is a list of the winners to date:

  • 2000-01 Craig Dargo
  • 2001-02 Alan Mahood
  • 2002-03 Stevie Fulton
  • 2003-04 Kris Boyd
  • 2004-05 Alan Combe
  • 2005-06 James Fowler (runner up Allan Johnston)
  • 2006-07 Steven Naismith (runner up James Fowler)
  • 2007-08 Alan Combe (runner up Jamie Hamill)
  • 2008-09 Craig Bryson (runner up Gavin Skelton)
  • 2009-10 Craig Bryson (runner up Connor Sammon)
  • 2010-11 Alexei Eremenko (runner up Manuel Pascali)
  • 2011-12 James Fowler (runner up Dean Shiels)
  • 2012-13 Cammy Bell (runner up Liam Kelly)
  • 2013-14 Kris Boyd (runner up Lee Ashcroft)
  • 2014-15 Mark Connolly (runner up Alexei Eremenko)
  • 2015-16 Jamie MacDonald (runner up Greg Kiltie)
  • 2016-17 Gary Dicker (runner up Jordon Jones)
  • 2017-18 Alan Power (runner up Jordan Jones)
  • 2018-19 Alan Power (runner up Chris Burke)
  • 2019-20 Alan Power (runner up Rory McKenzie)
  • 2020-21 Greg Kiltie (runner up Chris Burke)
  • 2021-22 Rory McKenzie (runner up Zach Hemming)

E-Mail thread on prior year's voting - HERE

Landmark Events

Novemeber 1999 the Killiefc.com URL purchased.
Killiefc.com had its one millionth unique daily front page "hit" in March 2005, second millionth on 

October 20th 2006 and the third millionth hit on January 13th 2008.

In 2002-03 the website sponsored midfielder Stevie "Baggio" Fulton.

In 2004-05 the website sponsored midfielder Allan "Magic" Johnston.

In July 2010 we crossed the four million mark of unique daily front page hits.

In July 2013 we crossed the seven million mark and prior to changing format the 'old' killiefc.com racked up more than 9.6 million unique front page hits in total...which pretty much knocked any other Killie website out of the park...many thanks to all our members for their continued loyalty.

In August 2015 the site 'changed hands' and became a portal for all the Killie fans organisations.

DROA is the site's annual registration holder.

Email Allan | Email Baz


Please note that all photos which appear on the site are copyright Scottish News & Sport (SNS which we had permission to use under the old www.rivals.com network) www.wireimage.com (2006 onwards). Certain images are also "re-used" from our Forum Page(s). 

We have always attempted to be a "club friendly" not for profit fans website. Since our inception we have had strong club relationships with former club CEO's David MacKinnon & David Heath for example, and we even endured the Michael Johnson ERA. 

Former club (and independent) photographers Tom Brown (who sadly passed away May 2007), & Sandy Ferguson (who also sadly passed away in September 2017) and more recently Ross Mackenzie have graciously supplied their images to this site with full permission(s), along with the Kilmarnock Football Club (itself) providing historical permission(s). 

In return www.killiefc.com grants Kilmarnock Football Club permission to re-use any of the content (articles. images. graphics. logos. posts, etc) from this site for their use.  This reciprocal agreement has been in place since 2004. 

If this website infringes on any copyright whatsoever, please email the network webmaster. (suppling the URL/Page of any image in question). 

A special thanks to the late Sandy Ferguson for all the hard work and effort that he put in over the years, Killie fans the world over owe him a debt of gratitude for the quality of his images and his willingness to supply them to killiefc.com purely out of the goodness of his heart.

There are many fans who contribute to the site but we would like to give a big thank you to all the moderators on the Killie Kickback Fan Forums, especially (the late) Craig Benson and Roy Ferguson. Sandy (The Killie Hippo) Armour for many articles and all the effort he has put in with events down the years. Blair Miller and Alan McDougal who have saved the website with their coding expertise on many occasions, Stuart Little who has supplied many old programme images for our history archives, and finally Alan Walker and Martin Le Roy (who designed our new logo) who help moderate the forums and much more.

Use of the Killie Logo/Badge/Crest (above right); The crest was "re-drawn" in 2004 by Barry Richmond and gifted to the club to use at their discretion (and has subsequently been copyrighted by Kilmarnock FC). 

Webmaster AuldBarry Richmond 


Killie FC

Website Privacy Statement

Our policy relating to data collection and privacy has fairness at its heart and is never intended to cause objection or complaint and to that end if there is any dubiety we will not store your information. As a business we wish to stay in communication with your and keep you up to date with news, offers and updates on our product which you may find of interest, but we will only do this with your clear and specific consent.

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This privacy policy sets out how KILLIE FC uses and protects any information that you give KILLIE FC when you use this website.

KILLIE FC is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

KILLIE FC may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from 13th Jun 2018 


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As a business we collect data for a number of sources, but our data policy applies to all of the following including personal data collected at reception, check in, exhibitions, on and off-line competitions, guest questionnaires, online bookings, online communications, digital newsletter sign ups from websites and social media, shared promotions with partners and others not listed.

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Our email collection policy is fully consent based and in entering your details clear consent is given by the user to receive future marketing materials from ourselves. The following information makes clear our policy on use of consent based email marketing and communications.

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We may collect the following information on a consent only basis:
●    name and job title
●    contact information including email address
●    demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests
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What we do with the information we gather

The majority of the information we gather is required for contractual and legal purposes and to allow us to offer products and services as purchased. 
When consent is given to use the information for marketing and communication purposes it is used for the following reasons:
●    We may periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided.
●    From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you using your provided email address for market research purposes. 

Your information will never be shared with any third parties and at all times you have the right to unsubscribe permanently from our database with a simple click of the unsubscribe information at which time your details will be deleted from the mailing lists and removed from the database permanently with no archived records retained.

Killie FC

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Your use of the Killie FC Web Site is subject to these terms and by using the Site you show your agreement to such terms. If you do not accept our terms, please do not use the Web Site.

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Killie FC

Website Accessibility

We have tried to make this website as accessible as possible and easy to use for everyone, regardless of circumstance or ability.

All our page templates comply with the WCAG Priority 2 checkpoints as a minimum requirement. And we make every effort to ensure that all the content on our site meets this standard too. We are making every effort to ensure that we don't exclude any users. For example:

  • We try to use clear and simple language.
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  • Were possible the HTML we produce conforms to the standard: XHTML 1.0 Strict
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