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  • Derek McInnes
    Derek McInnes

    2023-24 Managers Comments

  • Derek McInnes
    Derek McInnes

    2023-24 Managers Comments

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Killie FC

2023-24 Managers Comments

Selected Manager's Comments 2023-24.... 

May 29th on Signing Bruce Anderson: "There was a lot of clubs interested in taking Bruce," he said. "A number nine out of contract of Bruce’s age and experience there’s always that interest.  We feel like he can complement what we have at the club already. He’s a free agent and he’s a boy I know well - he plays off the shoulder and is a natural finisher. Last season, we had so many crosses, so many penalty box entries, good situations. Someone like Bruce can hopefully give us more attacking threat. 

May 28th Del Reflects Back on Season 2023-24: "We can all look back with a real satisfaction that we've served up a far better effort than we did last season," he told club media, external. It's our job to provide real highlights for the fans, I think a lot of games will live long in the memory. I think we've made Kilmarnock relevant again. There's been a real acknowledgement from everybody - even outwith Kilmarnock - that we've had a really strong campaign. From a manager's point of view, it's everything I've wanted the season to be. The team is everything I want my team to be."
On Europe: "The last time Kilmarnock played in European football, they were embarrassed by Welsh part-timers Connah's Quay Nomads. Five years on, they are back on the continental stage and could be on course for a meeting with a true heavyweight.  I hope there's somebody sitting in a room at Ajax asking the manager about potentially getting Kilmarnock as one of the options,  I don't think that'll be the case, but just talking about it is great. When you're supporting a team like Kilmarnock, there's ups and downs. That's part of being a supporter. It's important we try and enjoy the excitement of the draw. Hopefully it's not to some far-flung place and it's someone we can gay enjoy having a wrestle with. We would have hated seeing another team in Scotland be in our position. I'm totally thrilled we're in the mix for it. Of course we want to go as far as we can, We're realistic, we know the first game we're going to be against a team of real pedigree. It's actually what you want. For too long, European football and Kilmarnock has been synonymous with Connah's Quay. We need to try and change that".

May 22nd on Signing A Contract Extension: “Kilmarnock is a fantastic place to work and I enjoy it every single day, I come bouncing into work with a smile on my face, everyone here is so supportive from the backroom staff up to the board.  The reward from this season comes with the European games, which is our next proper game and we’ll look forward to that.  The demand will change next season, so I’ll enjoy it just now because I know I’ll not get to enjoy it for too long!”

May 22nd on Killie Departing Players: “It’s that time of the year where you’re trying to free up some space in the squad, on reflection there’s lads that have left that have been here a long time. We wish them well in the future and thank them for everything they’ve done at this club. Kerr and Jack were out on loan and managed to get games under their belt and will benefit from that when they go to their next clubs. 

“Young Aaron Quigg has done well, but he’s just a victim of not having an out and out reserve league, he went months at a time without playing games, he had a loan at Albion Rovers so now we’re hoping he can go and play regular, settled football.

“Steven Warnock (above right) is a sore one for us, it was difficult to do, we tried to get him good loans last season but there wasn’t enough interest which was a surprise to myself and my staff. He’s a brilliant boy, he’s been at the club a long time, he’s one that we’ve worked hard to try and find his next step for him, unfortunately for us and him it’s not going to be at Kilmarnock. He is someone that we intend to stay in contact with and continue to help him, hopefully he goes and showcases the talent that he has at his next club.”

May 19th on Being Named the Scottish Writers Football Association Manager of the Year: “Any recognition at the end of a season is indicative of good work done at a club - and any manager is happy to pick up awards, that’s human nature,  I’m delighted because the writers deal with all the different managers and see a lot of the ins and outs of what happens at clubs. Everyone’s an expert and it’s different from when I first started in the job. There are far more issues and challenges and I have such high regard for my fellow managers. So I’m trying to enjoy it. And if the SFWA thinks I deserve this award, I’ll take it all day long. I’m over the moon because I’ve really enjoyed this season."

May 18th on the Dee Post-Match:  "Considering there was nothing on the line for both teams, it was played in a good, competitive manner. We had the luxury of playing some boys who've not played a lot of football of late. We were aware they wouldn't last the 90.  It was different for me that although the result was important, the priority was getting some game time for some of the lads.  We score a goal through one of those players - Gary Mackay-Steven. His performance was good and he should be pleased. I thought their goal was offside. Having seen our angle of it, I think I'm right. I'm disappointed with that, because I'm shocked that wasn't overturned. We made a wee tweak with the shape at half-time, and we were much better second-half. Up until the sending off, we were the better team. I'd have taken a draw coming here today because Dundee are a top-six side. We've now gone a full six months having only lost to Rangers and Celtic in the league, and we wanted to hang on to that today. That's a remarkable record for a club like Kilmarnock and it was important to us."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

May 17th on Being Named Premiership Manager of the Year:   "I am delighted to accept this award, like any individual award there is a whole support team that's played their part in it. Having brilliant staff, I am recognising the effort from all of them, and the efforts of the players. The club is working as one and everyone is contributing. When positive results play out on the pitch and individual awards get given, it's indicative of the club doing a lot of things right off the pitch."

May 15th on the Celtic Post-Match:  “The first goal should have been pulled back and Don Robertson apologised at half-time. He said it wasn’t a foul but he knew it was a head knock and he should have stopped the game. It’s poor from him because he’s a good official. They didn’t need a helping hand but they got one and they were really good with their work. There was so much wrong with what we did tonight. But a big part was what Celtic were doing.  But it’s been a brilliant campaign even if my face doesn’t look like it at the minute. It’s not the way we wanted the last home game to play out and it was always going to be tough. We looked like a team who had done our work. But what a season it’s been and this isn’t going to spoil it.”  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

May 11th on the Buddies Post-Match: "It’s magic hearing that," (On securing Europa League football) "It’s something we never started out to do, but for the last few weeks, something we’ve been searching for. To do it with another clean sheet, it was important we had another big hurrah in us and we were good enough in difficult circumstances. It’s quite fitting my captain scores the goal that gets us to Europe, As a front two, those have been terrific, the combination between the two of them. I play with two wingers and two strikers, not because they’re luxury players, it’s because they’re responsible and work as hard as anybody else, and I know they are capable with big moments."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

McInnes said: "I hadn’t even thought about doing it but I saw Ndaba doing what he does. He’s got all the moves – I haven’t!"

May 8th on Expecting Bids for David Watson: "As a manager you want to hold on to your best players as long as we can, but we understand the market, I think we should expect speculation about Davie, we should expect clubs to be more than aware of him, bigger clubs than us. We would be surprised if there wasn't. If there are offers for him, it is something we would have to look at, but we don't want to lose him.  There have been a lot of top players who have won that award and went on to have brilliant careers and he is another one,. We were so proud when he picked up his award. We were hopeful but you are never totally confident. He has been a fantastic story for us. He is from the academy, a real flagship player for that.".

May 5th 2024 on the Rangers Post-Match:  "A lot of things transpired against us. The scoreline was pretty harsh on us. Early part of the game we showed what we've been this season. Vassell and Watkins were doing terrific. It wasn't as if Rangers were playing through us, it was their directness that was causing us problems. I think Joe Wright is extremely unlucky to concede a penalty and get a red card. If that's the rule that's the rule, but I thought it was extremely harsh on us. We'll move on quickly from this. Next Saturday we hope to make it a good day for us because we've had plenty of them this season."
McInnes says an injury to Brad Lyons "doesn't look good".    - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

May 3rd 2024 on Killie's Loan Stars:  "I spoke with Bournemouth on Tuesday and they are over the moon with his (Will Dennis) loan. It could not have gone better for them. He's a boy who has gone from playing in non-league with his first loan to playing in the Premiership. We need to prepare the best way we can for us and you cannot wait for someone forever. There might be another good option that comes up where we think, We will take that rather than risk a maybe signing. But Will has done well as have all our loan signings. Corrie Ndaba and Stuart Findlay have been magnificent. We've had good discussions with both lads on trying to stay here and we've spoken with both their clubs, Ipswich and Oxford."

May 1st 2024 on Being Nominated for the SPFL Manager of the Year Award: "It’s nice to be in good company, Not something I was thinking about, but once it was mentioned it’s nice. It’s always a reflection on the whole club. This season has been a lot easier to manage even though you get the recognition for it because your team is doing well, and that’s all down to recruitment and the players. I don’t think I’ve become a better manager this year than I was last year, I actually think that last year was a tougher test for us, but this year has been so enjoyable, it really has. And that’s down to the players every day and it’s down to the staff I’m working with. I still have that enthusiasm – when I wake up I can’t wait to bounce into work and I want my players to feel that work is a good place and hopefully that can continue. I’ve really enjoyed the season – four games to go and hopefully there’s a couple of highlights still in us."

April 27th on the Hearts Post-Match: "We were much improved in the second half. First half, I thought Hearts were the better side. Their change of shape threw us a wee bit. That said, we had good moments in the first half but we needed an extra midfielder in there. We still fell short of our levels. I’ve got to compliment Hearts, they are a good side.  I thought the subs helped us. At this point of the season, you have to have that extra edge but we looked a bit leggy at times. We’ve not played since a few weeks ago, but we stay unbeaten. Another clean sheet. We take our point but there is a recognition we need and want to be better than that. Great credit to the players. To be on 52 points at this point is huge. Even if we were not at our best today but you can see the competitiveness and spirit of the team. The fans' connection with the team has been brilliant. Towards the end of the game in particular, they were getting behind the team. Once the top six fixtures come, it’s difficult to win games because you’re playing the best teams."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

April 13th on the Saints Post-Match: "We were a bit disappointed [at half-time] not to have more from what we had created. I thought they were better than us at the start of the second half, which coincided with the worse weather as the wind and rain came in. It was a tough watch for 25 minutes. Once we got the second goal, it allowed us to enjoy the game. Great support, great numbers up getting behind the team. We all know the importance of getting three points. It does not guarantee us anything, but it is a huge step forward in terms of what we want to achieve."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

April 11th on Goals For the Remainder of the Season: “There wasn’t a lot of enjoyment last season, I think there was an enjoyment in how we finished the season in terms of getting the job done, but this season has been the opposite of that. I want us all to enjoy this part of the campaign, but nobody enjoys losing games so we have to keep the shoulder to the wheel, keep doing what we are doing and hopefully we can achieve something special. To get top six was good, to do it with two games to spare was brilliant, but where we are in the league now it is important we try to finish the job off.  We are sitting fourth at the minute, that would guarantee us that European spot; it is important we try to hold on to it. The players have been outstanding, they are really punching above their weight, really going above and beyond in level of performances. We want to finish the job and we have six games to do that.”

April 6th on the Staggies Post-Match: "It was pretty arduous out there. We had to really reinforce the need for concentration.  I thought we had more control of the game. It was a great finish from Kyle [Vassell]. It's just about managing the game and seeing it out. I thought we just about deserved to win the game. Kyle leads by example. He's always ready to play. He gets to double figures, which is great. That front four has a lot of potency about it. It's pleasing we got back to a clean sheet.  We don't anticipate too much change for next season. Even a couple of the loan players, we'd like to keep. There's a few out of contract we'd like to keep. Hopefully, we can come back with European football to look forward to, which is a massive carrot for players. That's part of the selling point now. Complacency is the devil. We're doing a lot of good things, we never have a lazy day. We probably need a couple more wins to secure European football. That's the intention. After last season we knew there were better days to come. We still want more, we want to push for more. We've got fourth spot at the minute and we will do all we can to hold on to that'  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Mar 30th on the Hearts Post-Match: "Once you get into the top six it's something that's really worth working towards, so, yeah, why not," McInnes told BBC Scotland when asked about his European ambitions. I was reluctant to talk about it before we got the top six secured. We've got a couple of fixtures before we go into the top six and it's difficult to get any sort of momentum after that because you're playing against the best teams. But hopefully we can go right through the wire this season with these players. Hopefully we can be really strong for the remaining seven games. I thought we were good value for at least our point and on another day we win that game. We looked confident, we looked assured, we looked like a team that are sitting fourth in the the table."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Mar 16th on the Buddies Post-Match: "Superb. A proper man's performance second half. We finished the first half doing more of what I asked us to do. But any time you lose two poor goals from set-plays, it can knock the stuffing out of you. It affected us, first half. We wanted to play around their shape but we needed to be braver and more intelligent with our work. We spoke at half time about what we expected of ourselves, and to a man everyone was outstanding. Watson's goal was the pick. It was outstanding, and a top performance from a group of lads who don't know they're beat. We are so motivated to do well and that was a huge step towards the top six. Sometimes you need half-time, to give them a gentle reminder of what's required. Some players needed woken up, reminded why they were in the team, reminded of their responsibilities. It's easy for me and my staff to point things out, but the players are the ones who go over the line and get the job done. Once we got one, I thought we'd get two. Once we got two, I thought we'd get three. To get five is fantastic."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Mar 9th 2024 on the Dons (Scot Cup) Post-Match: "Huge disappointment. We never quite got to the levels we've been for the majority of the season. We anticipated Aberdeen being as direct as they were and trying to bring a physicality to it. They won a lot of second balls in the early part of the game and get the first goal, which is important for a team struggling with confidence." - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Mar 2nd on the Dee Post-Match:  "I'm pleased with my teams efforts - everyone has to do their bit and more and we did that. We've had to dig ourselves out a hole on two occasions. Firstly, we didn't start the game well. Dundee deserved to go ahead, they looked brighter and energetic. We were slow out the traps and ploddy. We changed tactically, and we were the better team other than the first 20 minutes - even with 10 men. Then we have to dig ourselves out again, coming from behind with 10 men. Having seen it back, there's no infringement in the box. How Greg Aitken in VAR doesn't ask the referee to come and look at that is beyond me. Here we are again, with such a pivotal decision. I don't even think it's a foul and I don't think the referee gives a penalty if he sees it again. It's a coming together. Lewis has his eyes on the ball the whole time. It's not a foul and not a penalty kick. It's a brilliant finish for us. It feels like a brilliant point for us. And for Deasy, the fact he's still up there in the dying embers is a testament to his fitness and professionalism. We get our reward in front of our fans.  We remained calm, played measured, believed there was something there for us and thankfully, we came up with a big moment. Today was down to the type of person you've got. That's the true mark of a team, believing there's always something. Some points are only points, but some feel like more. I love being the manager of this team, it's such a good group of boys who never know they're beat."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Feb 28th on the Rangers Post-Match:  "We tried to get after Rangers and unsettle them as much as we could. There were times we couldn't do that and we had to give up possession. They didn't play through us, they played a lot of longer balls but we have the pace to deal with that. We had the better moments to get the second goal in the first half and we spoke at half-time about not hanging on to a lead for 45 minutes and we started the second half like a train. But games like this can be about big moments and, with the players Rangers have, that can win it, it's not the bigger performance. I don't think there was much in it, we were good value and that pleases me no end."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Feb 24th on the Dons Post-Match:  "I thought we were good value for the win. It was tough at times. I thought we had some really strong performers throughout the team. My two wide players were terrific. My front two really led the line. I thought we were pretty comfortable. We could have scored a goal more. It continues the strong home form and the fact we've only lost one in 14. There's still work to be done. It was a big performance at Celtic Park last week. You see the strength of the bench, I feel like I'm not searching for the answers. It's just keeping everyone healthy and focused. The objective at the start of the campaign was to be strong through the cups and improve our away form. It's important we maintain our form rather than just hope we've done enough at this stage - that's the biggest danger to us. Getting into the top six would be brilliant for everyone connected to the club, given where we were two years ago. It would mean an awful lot and that's what we're working towards."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Feb 17th 2024 on the Celtic Post-Match: "We had to suffer a wee bit in terms of possession but felt hard done by going in 1-0 down, which was a good bit of play by them. But that said, my keeper didn't have too much to do. We came with an attacking team but those players had to do a lot of defensive work, but we caried a threat. Joe Hart had numerous good save sin the second half but whole it's still 1-0, the belief is always there. Its a great moment when wee Davie equalises and there's a sense we could have won it. My players give me belief that we can come here and get a result".  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Derek McInnes First 100 Games: - HERE

Feb 10th 2024 on the Cove Rangers Post-Match: "It was a tie we had to overcome and there are plenty of positives, getting boys minutes, the clean sheet and getting into the next round was clearly the most important thing. We get the all important goal just before half-time, the team talk was still the same but in terms of the outcome, I think it knocks the stuffing out of Cove."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Feb 7th 2024 on the Livi Post-Match: "It was a tough watch. Livingston surprised us a wee bit with their shape, we never used the ball well enough and there was no fluidity to our play.  We were fortunate to go in at 0-0. The subs made a real contribution and that's what it's all about - the squad have to be ready. We weren't brilliant second half, but I thought we were better and had good control. They are the best ones to win because it looked so difficult for us at times. You look back on these ones, and it's the all-important goal that Marley scores. The supporters were right not to be happy, but when they got behind us we looked like a team who could go and get the goal. Without the subs' impact it would have been far more difficult. Van Veen plays a part in the goal and he brings a calmness when it's panicky." - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Feb 3rd 2024 on the Well Post-Match:  "The game was untidy and scrappy. The conditions, the wind, the pitch didn't help but we made a terrific start. We were good after that, we had a decent element of assurance. Everything was kept away from our goal. We spoke long and hard about Motherwell's transitions and Theo Bair - he's such an important player for them. I'm so disappointed in the equalising goal. It's a good goal from their perspective. We're set up for a long throw, Joe Wright is in the box and the ball doesn't come in. We played our part in allowing [Blair] Spittal the time to play the pass. We have to stick to the detail. Spittal and Bair had the most influence on the game. We didn't have any lads who showed that much influence. That said, a point on the road isn't a bad result."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Feb 2nd 2024 on Signing Kevin van Veen: 'I've got the board to thank for their support this window... I need to stress that we didn't sign Kevin Van Veen because we threw more money at it, it was purely a footballing decision from him.'

Jan 27th 2024 on the Hibs Post-Match: "After the first 20 minutes, we were very strong, We finished the first half in a good place. We scored a few good goals, could have had another. Joe Newell's goal has come out of nothing. I could see it develop and it's an unbelievable finish. It gave them hope and inspiration that they might get something. The game changes on the red card. I'm disappointed with the decision. I can only assume the referee and VAR have seen a worse angle than what I've seen.  Corrie's won the ball, he's not high, his foot is low. I was frustrated when the referee gave a yellow card. I don't think there's anything else he can do with his foot after he's won the ball. Nick Walsh is one of our best referees, so he must have seen a different angle. Grant Irvine is three yard from the incident. He has a chance to assess it. It's so disappointing that, from a winning position, VAR has played it's part in us only getting a point."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Jan 20th 2024 on the Dee (Cup) Post-Match: "We couldn't have wished for a better start. Straight from kick-off we score our first goal.  It was a wee bit of a surprise - Kyle Vassell looked second best to get on the end of the ball through, but managed to get there and it's a lovely finish. We follow it up with Marley scoring from a set-play, so a fantastic start.  Dundee had a bit more control and threat than we would have liked, and we'd have liked to have played better. We looked a wee bit rusty, but it was a cup tie against a good opponent and we're just glad to get through it. I'll commend my players. It got a bit chaotic. We changed the substitutions. We just had to make it out of there with a point and the players' effort made sure we got that." - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Jan 19th 2024 on the Signing of Greg Stewart: “We are delighted to get Greg in, his eagerness to come and be a part of what we’re trying to do here is a big factor. He now joins the squad and will try and help us reach our objectives for the rest of the campaign. The fact he’s been at the club before means there’s a familiarity about it, he will fit right in. We are looking forward to try and get that impact we know he can bring for the rest of the season.”

Jan 16th 2024 on being named Dec Manager of the Month: “I was happy with our form in December, especially getting two wins away from home. I am pleased that we can reflect on good victories against Aberdeen and St Mirren on the road as well as those important wins against Celtic and St Johnstone at Rugby Park. The award is shared by my players and staff, recognising their efforts which sees us in a strong position at this stage of the season. I am enjoying working with a squad that is so full of motivation, but I still actually feel that there is a bit more to come from them.” 
Latest Injury Updates: “We’ve got two significant injuries, Kyle Magennis has had an operation on his hamstring so he’ll be out for a while. Brad Lyons has had an operation, he had to come off against Dundee and that now rules him out for the next 10 weeks or so. It’s two boys that have been really influential this season, it’s a real blow losing them, but we have to deal with these injuries.”

Jan 2nd 2024 on the Rangers Post-Match: "For 40 minutes, a lot of what we asked for was there. We had good moments. A lot of these little things, we were pleased with. It felt so harsh for us [going behind]. We were still a wee bit in shock. The second goal came from nowhere. From a defensive point of view, it's difficult to be too critical of that. We knew we would get chances. We just wanted to win the second half. We went a long way to doing that. We get ourselves a goal back. What we needed to do then was just be a wee bit more street-wise. The third goal is the goal where we've really not defended it well. We kept going and credit to them. I've been really pleased with the first half of the campaign. You can do good work in January. There's two or three things been identified. I actually don't think I've ever been in a transfer window where I've not been looking for a striker. We'll try and bring a striker in or a forward player in that can maybe compliment what we've got. It's free agents and the loan market that we'll look to try and exploit. I just don't want anybody to leave."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Dec 30th on the Dee Post-Match: "It was a mammoth effort from everybody. When you score as late as we do, it's automatic to think that's going to be winning goal. But it's never over until it's over. Dundee are a huge side and are always a threat from set-pieces. You have to credit them. I thought they were the better side first half. We passed up loads of chances. They scored from two shots on target. Huge credit to my players for the spirit they showed. They really do go to the well to get result for us. I think it's harsh on our players. Highs and lows, that's the whole thing about today. The crowd helped us. We're just disappointed we've not seen it out. It would have capped off the year for us. When you're so close to winning it, it's disappointing, as it was a Dens [earlier in the season]." - Match Recap -

Dec 27th on the Buddies Post-Match: "It was a tight game, but we score a very good goal. We spoke before the game how the teams play similar systems, and we were just looking for that moment of quality. Good interchange, lovely weighted pass to Marley and a great finish.There was no quarter given by both teams. When you get ahead sometimes you need to play against the clock and negate the opposition. We could have picked them off on the break a couple of times, but four away clean sheets in a row - you have to do a lot right to do that. We're not looking at teams round about us. We just want to make sure we carry ourselves like a top six team, and hopefully we can keep doing that week in, week out. We've found that consistency recently."  - Match Recap -

Dec 23rd on the Saints Post-Match: "There's been loads of improvement - more goals scored, more clean sheets, less goals conceded. The biggest factor is we have far more points - 11 more than we were last season at this stage.  We have boys struggling. David Watson took a knock. We're a bit stretched but the players gave absolutely everything. It was important to win in front of our support before Christmas. I thought we were harshly dealt with the goalkeeper. Kyle Vassell is impeded and his left foot is driving into the box. It's a goal-scoring opportunity, the ball is 22 yards outside his box and the keeper isn't there. I find it strange that wasn't more than a yellow. I'd just like to get my moan in there. That could've made the game easier but St Johnstone pushed us hard."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Dec 16th on the Livi Post-Match: "I thought that we were the better team. It wasn't without it's concern. We've played worse games here and won. We're just guilty of not taking our opportunities.  We got a wee bit of luck with a missed penalty. It's a point, the performance maybe deserved more. We looked like a team in a good place.  Danny Armstrong, for a spell in both halves, couldn't have done much more. He was different class. Even when he's not at his best, he never hides. I love that. He has that swagger. There will be people who would like him, but he's vitally important player to us, so we're certainly not inviting that [January interest from other clubs]."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Dec 10th on the Celtic Post-Match: "First half, there was loads of frustration. We never quite got the press right, we spoke about not wanting to allow Celtic to win the game and we reminded the players about that at half-time. The players were magnificent in the second half. We ask a lot of them. We had to get up against them more, show our teeth and be braver. You have to do a hell of a lot right to beat Celtic and we did do that."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Dec 16th on the Dons Post-Match: "Any time you come to Pittodrie and get a result as an away team you have to do a lot of things right. We were competitive throughout, we went for an aggressive team, we had good ball winners in the middle of the park. I thought in the turnovers we had good moments to counter. We had some good moments and chances. But it's a real moment of quality that separates the teams. The way David (Watson) receives the ball and wheels, and sticks it in the top corner, it's a fantastic finish. I'm so pleased for him, because he missed a real chance on Saturday against Hearts and it was annoying him - and me. Delighted for the supporters, they followed us away last season with very little to cheer about. I feel we're a different animal this season and it's important to continue with out home form, have a performance to beat the Old Firm, which we've done, and be better on the road. We've ticked that box, it's a good reference point and we can have more away days like today."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Dec 2nd on the Hearts Post-Match: "I'm disappointed because we put so much into the game. I thought we were the dominant team. Hearts score an unusual goal. It's such a poor goal from own point of view.  They're on a good run at the moment and they've got some good players but I thought it was very harsh on us. My team were good and we'll play a lot worse and win games this season. I'm not overly concerned as a manager in terms of our performance. I'm not here to put blame on anyone but it's a poor one (goal) to concede. By and large, we still had enough of the game to go and do something about it."  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Nov 25th 2023 on the Staggies Post-Match: "The whole adage about being tough to play against on the road is something we've been working toward this season. We've been better on the road this season, although we're still searching for that first win in the league. Ross County had the better of the first half, and we had the better of the second. The best players on the pitch were both sets of defenders. There was no quarter given, very committed performance from both sets of lads. Having Kyle Vassell back, even travelling, was a huge bonus. When he plays, we have more attacking threat. We had that second half, but we didn't do enough to win the game, but enough to take a point." - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Nov 11th 2023 on the Hibs Post-Match: "I thought we were good in the first half. We picked a team to go and press them and I thought we did that. Hibs are a team of individuals - they can turn half chances into real chances. We wanted to try play the game in their half as much as we could, and the one thing we were guilty of was not making the most of our opportunities.  When they get the goal it changes things and the onus was on us to do something. Hibs were good enough to score a goal where we weren't so you have to credit them.  If we had a Martin Boyle it might have made the difference - we were good in the game but were just looking for that individual to give us a moment."   - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Nov 6th 2023 On being named as the Scottish Premiership Month for October 2023: “It was important for us to maintain our strong home form in October and I’m pleased that we can reflect on two solid wins against Livingston and Aberdeen. The award is shared by my players and staff, recognising their efforts at this early stage of the season. As I said at the weekend, I really enjoy working with such a motivated squad, but I still feel that there is a bit more to come from them.” 

Nov 4th on the Well Post-Match: "We were [good value for the win]. We've got the job done. I thought we dominated possession. We lose our captain Kyle Vassell, obviously disappointing. It was great from big Innes [Cameron]. He led the line really well. He takes his goal well.  The team's in a good place." - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Nov 1st 2023 on the Saints Post-Match: "We've had a lot of praise as of late, especially for the defensive part, our aggression, our competitiveness. We weren't competitive enough. We had two or three chances to clear for the first goal. We don't get tight enough. Nicky Clark follows the strike in like all good strikers. It was a horrible start by us. It was such an unusual start from us. Only positive when you concede early goals is you have plenty time to score and work a way into game. We weren't working the goalkeeper anywhere near enough. It was important we planted the seed of doubt in them. We huffed and puffed. Even when they went down to 10 men, it didn't do us any favours because they just camped in. The performance wasn't too bad overall, but the start was awful. We've got to recognise what we are as a team. We can't start any game like that. Once that ball rolls you've got to be that competitive animal." - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Oct 29th on the Dons Post-Match: "I thought the opening part of the game it was two teams sussing each other out, I just thought we were a wee bit rushed at times. I thought our set plays were really good today, so I'm disappointed we did not manage to score off the back of that. We scored a very good goal on the stroke of half time and it's great to see both strikers getting on the scoresheet. I thought we were the better team in the first half, but you want something to show for that and thankfully we got something on the stroke of half time." -Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Oct 21st on the Livi Post-Match: "I thought we started strong in the game. We expected a tough match and knew we would have to lot of different aspects well, and I thought we did that.  We showed good composure, carried a threat and deservedly went in front. I love my centre-forwards scoring goals - [Vassell] has got two today and the front two were a handful the whole game. They gave us a real platform to play. What pleased me most was the response to the penalty kick - it was immediate and we set out to win the game today. We're fifth in the league and we want to hang about the top six for as long as we can. It's important not to get too carried away, but it's important that we win games like today. After a strong start, we stuttered a wee bit, but hopefully today is the start of a few more [wins]."  -Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Oct 7th on the Celtic Post-Match:  "I thought the VAR decision was correct. My first thought was that Hatate has gone down far too easily," McInnes blasted. "For me he’s waiting for contact. But I don’t think there was any contact. If I’m wrong then I’ll apologise. But for me it’s trying to buy a penalty and the referee has bought it as I thought he would. I thought, ‘he’s going to give a penalty here’ and he did. My heart sank and then VAR overturned it. But that’s far too easy to go down, far too easy from Hatate. That’s poor. The Killie boss also felt the Japanese midfielder had been offside in the build-up to the second goal scored by Luis Palma. He said: "Having seen the pictures for me it looks offside in the build-up when it bounces back off the Celtic player. So I’m disappointed with that as offside should be clear. When I saw it on the big screen I thought he was offside and when VAR were checking it I was expecting it to be chopped off. There might be better pictures in the VAR hub so any criticism of that at the minute is a wee bit contained as I’m just viewing it on the pictures that I’ve seen. I showed the referee the pictures that I’d seen. But they’re obviously dependent on the people in VAR looking at different angles. I saw an angle on my analyst’s laptop. Whether he’s a computer genius and has played around with the lines I don’t know. But it looked offside.”   -Match Recap & YouTube Video -
On the Rangers Job Speculation:   "I’m not talking about Rangers. I’ve just lost a game here at Celtic Park.”

Sep 30th on the Buddies Post-Match: "We put a lot into the game. A lot of credit to Brad Lyons, he was second favourite for his goal. He showed the determination that we're just needing a wee bit more of in the final third to score a goal. Terrific bravery. We just didn't enjoy being in front enough. We switch off in the wider area and the cross comes in from [Scott] Tanser. Tanser's been very influential for them in recent games and it's tough ask to continually match that. It's unfortunate, Kyle Magennis - he's doing his job, matching a run. Maybe a draw was a fair result. I thought we were the better team second half. I thought we had the better opportunities. I wouldn't say we were whole heartedly the better team."  -Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Sep 26th on the Hearts (Lge Cup) Post-Match:  "I thought we were terrific second half, we had to come from losing a disappointing goal.  Half time came at a good time, we tinkered with it, we put Matty Kennedy through the middle, effectively going with Danny [Armstrong] stretched out on one side and tried to occupy their centre backs a bit more.  We had four or five shots in the first five or six minutes of the second half and something we’ve been guilty of is not hitting the target enough, but I thought there was a real belief about us, I thought we dragged the cup tie to where we needed it to be and we get a deserved equaliser. We are guilty of naivety towards the end. We hit a diagonal free-kick that opens the pitch up when there’s no need to do it, it’s almost as if we were losing the game and we had to throw caution to the wind. We’ve paid the ultimate price."  -Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Sep 25th on the Hearts (Lge Cup) Pre-Match: "We have got to be a good cup team," the manager said as he looked forward to Tuesday's quarter-final at home to Heart of Midlothian. "We need to continue to be that. Even for the English-based lads coming up, it's different down the road. I played down the road and managed down there. Wembley is so far away and it's beyond the reach for so many teams and the cups are almost an inconvenience down there. Whereas here, when you get into the quarter-final stage and you are two games away from a cup final, it's important that we sniff it and take the opportunity that's there.  I keep saying that to the players, while we are working at Kilmarnock, let's go and do something that we can be remembered for. I want us to be that team, but we are going to have to put in a performance because, while Hearts haven't scored too many goals this season, they have certainly not conceded a lot either."

Sep 23rd on the Dee Post-Match: Del was .... "not convinced" that Dundee midfielder Josh Mulligan deserved to be sent off despite what he thought was a poor challenge. When they go down to 10 men, we are in charge of the game, but at 2-1 you are never there, Really disappointed to lose a goal from a set play. They have a fair size about them and we knew we'd have to stand up to them - that's British football. I thought we were really good in the game, first half. We arrived time and again in their box and we're a bit guilty of not putting the ball away. I thought my front two and two wide players were a handful. It's mad! I've been sent off before, but that was bizarre. I went and apologised to the referee there. I was convinced the ball was out! The ball boy's went missing second-half. I told the referee, I'm wrong, he has to send me off and I apologise. I'm hoping Sportscene can help me out there."  -Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Sep 16th on the Hibs Post-Match: "The response was terrific, everything I expect from my team. That's when you really need your team spirit and it was there in buckets. We score one, and it was a matter of time before the next one came. It's a great header from Joe [Wright]. We've missed that with him being out. I feel that another five minutes and we could go and win it.  We started poorly, but the way we finished the first half and for the rest of the game, I thought we were the better team. Our bravery, our commitment and our spirit got us a point, which was the least we deserved." -Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Sep 2nd on the Staggies Post-Match: "It's a perfectly good goal," he told BBC Scotland. "The referees will all tell you, we've got to let the phase of play run through.  The referee's apologised. He said he blew too early. He told me he wasn't expecting Stuart Findlay to score from there. We shouldn't expect the referee to blow. It's not his job to decide that he doesn't think someone's going to score from there. He should let the phase of play run. I don't know if he was apologising for giving the penalty that wasn't a penalty or apologising for the goal. But, equally both were bad decisions.  It should be a draw, there's no doubt about it. We have been so harshly treated. My club deserve better. We deserve better than that. It was clearly a mistake from Kevin.  It's compounded by us missing a penalty. It just felt a huge wrong, it felt wrong that we never got the goal. We should be getting at least a point for our efforts. Nobody's blaming Danny and he shouldn't feel any kind of real weight on his shoulders with that. He's normally spot on with his penalties. Anybody can miss a penalty."  -Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Aug 26th on the Well Post-Match: "Extremely disappointed. No two halves are ever the same but first half we were outstanding. We arrived a team in good form and our performance showed that. We deservedly go in front and we should have made more of our opportunities. We've got no divine right to come here and expect to control a game for 90 minutes. But I said to the players, if you can't find a way to win a game, don't lose it. That's why with the last kick of the ball, it's such a sore one to take." -Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Aug 20th on the Celtic (Lge Cup) Post-Match: "To beat such a top opponent at this stage of the season, you have to do a lot right,   I'm really pleased with everything I saw today. I thought we limited Celtic to very little. It's testament to the players in front of my goalkeeper, who, across three games, has faced two or three shots.  We dealt with the changes Celtic have the luxury of making really well and I'm delighted we're through to the next round of the cup tie. There's no point in beating Celtic if we don't go on to win it now. I've just said that to the boys. No one will remember this result if we don't go on and win it. We had a wee bit of an advantage over Celtic today. We looked a wee bit more together as a squad. They're still pitching towards where they want to be. We've got there a wee bit sooner than we thought and it's been a huge help today."  Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Aug 13th 2023 on the Hearts Post-Match: "It could have been more. We're not over-celebrating getting a point and a clean sheet. I'm celebrating the type of performance we put in. There is a sense of disappointment that we never scored, that would have given us something to hang on to. I didn't feel they stretched us too much. It's a good point. Not perfect, but we've made some big strides in the last few games." - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

Aug 5th 2023 on the Rangers Post-Match: "We had to show a different version of ourselves against the Old Firm this season. Rangers will get better, but I think we'll get better as well. Our level of performance had to be really good today, but we delivered that. It's a really strong start.. You've got to do so much right to beat a team of Rangers' quality, I think first and foremost the competitive edge had to be there in the team and that was there clearly in spades. I thought we, not only passed the ball well but we snuffed them out and didn't let them enjoy the game in there. Our intensity was really good. It's so important you strike the first blow when you play Rangers and have something to hold onto but also plant that seed of doubt because the supporters come here in huge numbers. The team have got to deal with that so we knew if we got in front we could have a real chance of getting the job done. I thought we were good throughout. By and large I don't think my keeper's had much to do, other than just come for a few crosses and that's testament to the work ahead of the back five and goalkeeper. Rangers will get better and I think we will get better." - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

July 29th on the Albion Rov's Post-Match: "I thought the players were terrific from the first minute, getting after the game. Sometimes it can feel a bit pre-seasony when you come away but you’ve got to make sure you take care of the game, it’s a cup tie that needed to be won. I thought we controlled the game and were very assured and professional.
On Kyle Vassell... “Hopefully he gets a good weeks work into him and gets himself ready for the Rangers game. We’re hoping to try and make another signing at centre forward, and maybe one more plus that too. If we can do that I’d be pleased with the amount of work that’s been done from the recruitment team and the board." - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

July 26th on the Raith Post-Match: “We got what we expected from Raith which was a tough game. The one thing they did do was play the ball quicker and attack the space behind us. We have to praise Raith for that. We scored a good goal ourselves and got in front but it was never comfortable. We spoke at half-time about their ability to regain possession and didn’t react well to losing a goal. It was as if the anxiety of the situation was there. A lack of composure rather than a lack of effort but we lost our way a bit. We wanted to take the opportunity that was there but if we win on Saturday we top the group.”  - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

July 22nd on the Pars Post-Match:  “We’re picking a team today on the basis of trying to win a cup tie, but also being mindful that we need to get boys minutes. I’m still trying to get those kind of relationships and a rhythm going, but while we’re working towards that it’s not a bad habit to be winning games and keeping clean sheets.” - Match Recap & YouTube Video -

July 18th on Squad Additions:  “Before the window closes I’d like five more signings potentially. The forward areas will be key. We’re working around the clock to get the best forwards that we can. We could easily have signed forwards by now and made us feel good about ourselves short term, but we’re trying to get the best ones possible.  It may pay dividends, it may not, but we’re working hard and the board have been really supportive to help us put a squad together that will help us meet the demands this season.

July 15th 2023 on the Annan Post-Match" (On Fraser Murray)   When I came in, Fraser was Player of the Year and as good as anyone in that Championship-winning team. He started last season injured and didn’t really get out of the traps. He’s looked fitter than anyone since coming back and earned his start today. He’s probably been one of our brightest sparks throughout pre-season and took his training performances into the game today. It was a nice finish and a great ball for big Innes’ goal. Good on him, he’s come back with a real determination and hopefully he can maintain that. We were over reliant on Danny to give us that spark last season. If Fraser can stay fit and keep doing what he is doing, then he has a real chance to make an impact for us this season.”  - Match Recap -

July 10th 2023: "We could've easily signed a host of more players, but we're trying to be really specific with the ones we want, I think we'll have another couple of signings in by the beginning of next week. 
European qualification was labelled as.... "the ultimate ambition" for the manager. "Words are cheap," he added. "It's what you do on and off the pitch that's the most important thing. But I don't see why we can't win a cup or push for European positions. That's what the objective will be this season."

June 30th 2023:  "I want to enjoy the season a lot more (than last season)  I'm confident we can make a far better fist of things. The form we showed in the last nine or 10 games was the form we want to show much more.  Our starting point [last season] was way back. This time I've got a head of recruitment and a recruitment team in place. We're getting the shape of the squad moving together, but there's no time to stop and pat our backs. There's more work to do."

June 1st 2023 on Next Term's Squad Planning: “I’d like to work with a tighter squad, I think we had too many last season, not through any fault of our own it’s just the way it was. We’d like to work with four or five less and give encouragement to the younger guys, the likes of David Watson and Bobby Wales came through this season giving encouragement to some of the academy players coming through.  We’re predominantly looking to strengthen the starting XI, we want to be as strong as we possibly can be and have that healthy competition throughout the squad. Over the last couple of days, we’ve had a lot of difficult conversations and decisions to make as it is for every manager at this stage of a season, particularly with lads who have done well for me and this club. Either part of a Championship winning team or playing their part in keeping a team up, but I think, like everything, there is a recognition we need to try and change things. The demand changes on me and the club next season. The demand is still to stay in the league, but we want to look further afield now and be 12 or 13 points better off. If we can do that, it gets you into the region of the top six and Europe, which is what we have to try and do. So, there is a lot of pressure on the recruitment part of it and I feel we are more ready to deal with that than last season.” 

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Certain (hypertext) links, advertisements or suppliers promotion will lead you to Web Sites that are not under the control of Killie FC. When you activate any of these links, you will leave Killie FC Web Site by opening a new window and we have no control over and will accept no responsibility or liability in respect of the material on any such other Web Site. By allowing links with third party Web Sites Killie FC does not intend to solicit business or offer any security to any person in any country, directly or indirectly.

Force Majeure

Every effort will be made to carry out the contract but its due performance is subject to cancellation by Killie FC or to such variation as we may find necessary as a result of inability to secure labour, materials or supplies or as a result of any act of God, War, Strike, Lockout or other labour dispute, Fire, Flood, Drought, Legislation, or other cause (whether of the foregoing class or not) beyond the sellers control.

Killie FC

Website Accessibility

We have tried to make this website as accessible as possible and easy to use for everyone, regardless of circumstance or ability.

All our page templates comply with the WCAG Priority 2 checkpoints as a minimum requirement. And we make every effort to ensure that all the content on our site meets this standard too. We are making every effort to ensure that we don't exclude any users. For example:

  • We try to use clear and simple language.
  • We use alternative text for all our images 
  • Were possible the HTML we produce conforms to the standard: XHTML 1.0 Strict
  • We have tested the colours we use in the design for contrast.

We try to publish all our text content as accessible HTML rather than in other formats such as PDF. Where we do publish PDFs or other formats our policy is to make them as accessible as we can.

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